Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Summer Blast Update

We’ve finished up our first week of Summer Blast. We we’re averaging right around 30 kids last week, but some have started this week, so our numbers were up a little today. If everybody shows up, we should have our 50. Overall, the program has been running very well. All of our summer staff have stepped up and taken ownership of their stations and responsibilities, and have done a great job with that.

Our theme for the summer is “One Way,” taken from John 14:6. We’ve covered that Jesus is the only way to salvation, and that we need to be bringing others to Christ by telling them about Jesus’ love for them. Over the next few weeks, we’ll cover the one way to live, one way to love, one way to serve, etc. The kids are really enjoying each station, and are excited about Bible time as well.

Please pray that they will continue to grow in their knowledge of the Gospel, especially those who are new to Sunshine. About half of the kids are new to Sunshine, so praise God for that! Pray that we will be able to build relationships with them and their families and be able to plug them in to other programs in the fall.

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