Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Long Journey

A Long Journey
1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Last night I had the privilege of watching the final game of the 2011 NBA finals with some of my close friends. I love the NBA, and I love sports! I love the idea of a player working as hard as he can to reach a goal, and even if it takes years, finally achieving that goal. As I watched the final moments of the game, I just thought about the players on the winning team, and their dedication to the game. Jason Kidd who is now 38 and has played 17 years and failed twice at winning the NBA title. Dirk Nowitzki who has played for his same team 13 years and reached the finals once but lost. Of course there were more, but these players stand out because they believed in each other and stuck with what everyone said was impossible for them to do. It reminded me, to not grow weary in well doing!

Then I reflected on my peers and I at Sunshine Gospel Ministries. Some of us have been doing ministry for years, and others are newer to the set, yet we all have one common goal, and that is to see the Great Commission fleshed out in our neighborhood. Sometimes It seems like this work is not paying off, but every so often we get the great reward of a student telling us how they have been touched, changed or encouraged. The prayers sent up, the time spent, and the great sacrifices made, all pay off in those moments. We are "YO"(youth outreach) team missionaries! Please keep us in prayer as we move forward this summer!

CW Allen
High School Ministry Coordinator
Sunshine Gospel Ministries
CW will be a junior this fall at Moody Bible Institute.
He is also a musical artist. You can check out his music here.

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