Saturday, June 4, 2011

Safe Families &

Safe Families For Children (SFFC) &

SFFC and have become household words within the walls of Sunshine. Through these ministries, Sunshine hopes to become more airtight in fulfilling its goals to reach the community. We have begun integrating these programs into the ministry by working with pastors, community leaders, school counselors, principals, welfare agents, foster care agents and the like.

We believe the evidence that shows over 1000 volunteer families served as many as 1000 children and families last year alone with the same prediction for this year. We also believe the evidence from national and local video clips about SFFC and the testimonies of others who have served as “safe families”, as well as those who have benefited from the programs will be enough to encourage others to become involved.

SFFC and Youshare are two programs that work best when people truly understand what they are about. Youshare was born out of a need to help struggling moms who need help with some basic needs for their children. Safe Families is under the umbrella of Youshare.

A brief definition of these three terms will help...
Safe Families For Children is a faith-based program that intervenes before children are separated from their families and put in state run foster care.
Host Families are volunteers that come alongside moms and dads to help during the crises—helping them to keep their families together, by opening their homes to the children. was created to help fill the need of caring moms needing items like mattresses for the kids, or clothing, etc. not only meets immediate needs, it helps foster personal relationships that will help families in crisis build a better life. is a national organization based in Chicago, IL. is the program you need to become involved in if you have a heart to share at any level. You can register by going online to There are four basic categories of involvement when you go online to register at You can start by sharing your “Goods,” things that you have and are not using and perhaps are about throw out. Secondly, you can share your “Services” under such categories as medical (dentist, Hygienist, etc.). Thirdly, you can share your home, that is becoming a “Safe Family” (hosting children). Finally, you can share by donating your money. takes donations. You can do this by clicking on donations. When you go to to register you should register as a neighbor. In short you become a neighbor to those with whom you share your goods.

The above post was written by Roosevelt Gibson, “Hub Manager” for Safe Families For Children & If you would like to speak to Roosevelt more about this you can email him at

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